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What Is A Pulpotomy?

What Is A Pulpotomy?If you are lucky, you will be able to quickly get a cavity fixed with no real damage to your tooth. However, what if you or your child have a cavity that is large or deep into the tooth pulp? It is possible you may need a pulpotomy. Here is some information about pulpotomies and how they help save your teeth.


Bacteria are always present in your mouth. Some of the bacteria in your mouth are wonderful because they help you digest food and keep bad bacteria at bay. However, some of the bacteria in your mouth are harmful. Several strains of bacteria cause both cavities and gum disease.

The acids that bacteria excrete can create tiny holes, or caries, in your tooth enamel. Caries are easy to fix. However, once the acids in the bacteria eat their way through your tooth enamel and into the hard dentin below, the dental caries become cavities.


The dentin is not as strong as your tooth enamel, and it will not take the bacterial acid long to eat through it. Once the bacteria and acids reach the middle of your tooth, they cause an infection, which may be the first time you feel pain because the pulp of your tooth is full of nerves. When the cavity reaches the pulp, that is when you need a root canal. However, you may be able to make do with a pulpotomy.


Pulpotomies can be used on baby teeth as well as permanent teeth. In both cases, if the infection inside the tooth is only in the crown – or top- of the tooth, you or your child can have a pulpotomy. In a pulpotomy, our dentist makes an incision in the top of your tooth and removes the infection, replacing it with composite material. Then, the top of the tooth gets a cap or a crown to keep it strong. This procedure saves the tooth from the infection.

Do you think you or your child might need a pulpotomy? Contact our office today to set up an appointment with one of our dentists.