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When Should My Child Be Able To Brush And Floss On Their Own?

Teaching children how to care for themselves is essential for their growth. Here are some tips for knowing when to let your child brush and floss on their own.

A Good Starting Point

Most pediatric dentists recommend that you begin to let your child brush and floss their own teeth beginning at age three. By age three, your child is beginning to learn gross and fine motor skills, which means they are beginning to use their muscles properly.

When Should My Child Be Able To Brush And Floss On Their Own?

If you are moving toward allowing your child to brush and floss their own teeth, your first step needs to be allowing your child to watch you brush and floss as often as possible. Children learn through imitating people they see, so showing them how you brush and floss is a great way for them to learn. Also, if your child watches you brush and floss, you are showing them how important it is that they take care of their teeth.

Next Steps

Once you think your toddler has watched and imitated you enough, it is time to guide them in brushing and flossing their own teeth. It is easier to start by helping your toddlers brush their teeth. Show them how much toothpaste they need to put on their toothbrush first. Then, you can help them make circles on their teeth and gums. You also want to teach them how long to brush their teeth. Most dentists recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes or two Happy Birthday songs.

Like toothbrushes, many child flossers are larger and thicker to allow for a great grip. Flossers are easier for children to handle than string floss. However, you must ensure that your child does not floss too hard, as this could cause their gums to bleed.

While teaching your child to brush and floss is going to be time-consuming, the reward is their independence and better dental health. Not sure if you are on the right track? Give us a call, and let us set up an appointment for you and your child with one of our dentists today.